Bist du auch müde von einem nassen Putzlappen und der Bürste, die im Waschbecken liegt?
Mit diesem praktischen Spülbeckenorganizer kannst du deine Spülsachen organisieren, sodass sie einen festen Platz haben und dein Putzlappen zum Trocknen aufgehängt werden kann, ohne über den Wasserhahn zu hängen.
Gleichzeitig vermeidest du hässliche Markierungen auf deiner Arbeitsplatte von dem Seifenbehälter, da alles auf diesem praktischen Tablett gesammelt ist.
Unter dem Scheuerschwamm gibt es Rillen, sodass er Luft bekommen und trocknen kann. Auch praktisch für z.B. eine Handseife.
Das Spülbeckenorganizer misst 10 x 18 cm und ist 20,5 cm hoch.
Das Gestell kann bei Bedarf von Hand gewaschen werden, ist aber nicht spülmaschinenfest.
Bürste, Tuch und diverses Zubehör sind leider nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten.
Das Produkt wurde von Joe Bloggs, Remix von Din3Dprinter entworfen

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Or read all the reviews on our Truspilot page here
Wheel for Kärcher robotic lawnmower RLM4
Since the desired product (wheel for Kärcher robotic lawnmower) was not available, Mein3ddruckwerk made the (hopefully) suitable wheels based on my information and a few photos. The communication was fast, competent and friendly.
Very good shop
Very fast shipping, fast and very friendly support. Very good print quality. Highly recommended.
Fast and reliable delivery
Everything was great and delivered really quickly
Qualität ist super
Qualität ist super
We have 14 different colors available for printing. You can choose the color you want when ordering.
We only print the product once we receive an order, which means it can take between 2 and 5 business days for you to receive your package.
We have tried to source as many products for as many brands as possible, however sometimes we miss some brands. If you have a product that we don't have accessories for, just contact us and we will find a solution.
You can always send us an email ( You can also contact us via various social media.
3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process for producing three-dimensional objects from digital model data. The desired object is built up layer by layer from liquid or solid material. It enables the rapid and cost-effective production of complex shapes and individualized products.
We mainly use PLA+ for our 3D printing. PLA+ is a composite material based on PLA (polylactide) with improved melt strength and toughness compared to pure PLA. It is very suitable for 3D printing because it is easy to process and yet delivers stable printing results.
We chose 3D printing as a production method because it enables local production and generates less waste. Local manufacturing minimizes transport routes and the additive construction of 3D printing significantly reduces material waste.